Good stories!
I liked the movie made in the early '70s called the mega Man with Charlton Heston a lot more than this book which it is based on. I think it took too long to introduce new characters and I can see why Stephen King was inspired by this author. I'm glad it was a short book.
amazing that I can access the writing of Plato. There is so many categories of knowledge,.
Works great for me.
Why do hyperlinks to specific notes not lead to the specific notes, rather the beginning of the notes section? And why, when I click on the note's hyperlink in the note section, does it not return me to the passage that I was reading, which contains the hyperlinked note? Instead, I have to bookmark where I'm reading, click the hyperlink, redirect to the first note from the first chapter and then frantically flip to the nth note in the nth chapter, and use my bookmarks to return to my spot.
I get all my books on the cloud library. I love it
The app uses almost 4 gigs of storage! I like the app, even with it's faults such as never remembering where you left off in an audiobook, or not knowing its own database when you search. I would give it more stars if it wasn't such a greedy glutton for space. My next biggest app uses 1/2 a gig, most apps use 120-150 mb or less. As much as I like the convenience of cloudLibrary, not having available storage space on my phone makes it malfunction. Sadly, this app may have to go.
good jobs
Nice app. Would be better if there were more options for reading and speed. Gaps of .2 are actually quite large
Crashes almost every time I use it. I send feedback but nobody offers any help.